This is the 666 True Boise Story on Andrew Steven Nelson.
Andrew was born on August 12th, 1985 to Adrianne May and Mark Nelson. He spent most of his life growing up in the Los Angeles area. He found himself a new home in Boise about 3 years ago to settle down and figure out the meaning of life.
Andrew's real life began when he was hired on to Zumiez on April 20th, 2008 (hella 420 bro). He was hired on at 026 as a 2nd assistant by Isaac Gray. From the first month that Andrew started at Zumiez he was EOP every single month until June 2009 when a young Tyler Morey, keyholder, swooped it out from under him. Andrew has proven himself to be an amazing sales person and understands the art of customer service.
Andrew was promoted to 1st assistant in Boise in June 2009, and then his real training began. He has the opportunity to work with one of the best store managers in the company (and she happens to be writing this blog) and get the experience and training in a triple A volume store!
He coined the name Tommy 2 Tuff, because of his "too cool/too tough" attitude. Stagge took notice quickly and appropriatly starting spreading the word that he would no longer be called Andrew, only referred to as "2 Tuff". He is coming around now, so when he is not putting on the cool guy show, you can call him Andy.
Andrew will be attending the AMC here in just 4 short days. Will he have what it takes to be at the top? Last year, the 2 store managers that he has been trained under, where both top 4 finalists at this very event in the Leadership meetings. Only time will tell.
When will Andrew become a store manager? Hit comments and cast your vote now. We're getting a betting pool going!
a few things:
1. Congrats on AMC 2 Tuff
2. Buckley needs to check herself before she wrecks herself. stop the shameless self promoting.
3. You will always be 2 Tuff.... ALWAYS
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