This post is for the one and only ganster. Zumiez will indeed feel the loss of Stagge, keeping it classy to the very end. You showed us how to be, the potential we had and led us to success. It was a hard day today to lose you man, but a classier person there is non. I will miss you man. Your one to be admired and a role model for me. Have a great time on your new journey.
Peace out,
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
A Man with class
Posted by SLC KID 145 at 9:07 PM 1 comments
To the greatest district of all time...
I am not even sure where to begin. All the great things Zumiez did for me and my family, all the great times we spent working side-by-side, the friendships made across the country, the laughter, the hustle, the long nights and early mornings - the list could go on and on.
I guess there isn't really anything left to say except... THANK YOU!
026: Buckley, Catnip, Jayme, Baby Ty Ty, Rochie, Christian and more - we hustled some peeps! To think about all the times we emptied peoples wallets and put their green in our tills! Although I only worked with your store for 8 months I really came to love the experiences up there! I hope you keep having dance offs -remember of course, that I was the reigning Champ!
030: Hoff, Jakie boy, Cassidy, LTrain, David and more - man, we spent some time together. Keep Hoff off the fry sauce and the terrible 80's music (although I just heard Creed put out there first album in Wisco). Jake, we will always have the R&B dance... The Dirty Thirty was my second home and I loved every one of you! Keep hustlin', dont ever let the legend die!
035: Jen (Jenny bear, Roast Beef), Matthew Dickhead Gale, Adri, ARod and more - geez, could you sell snow! I rode you guys hard - but only because I knew you could perform at the highest level! Keep the man off your back and keep making days!
044: Lone Wolf, Sam, BenJammin, Jen Ksomething and more - I enjoyed our Wale talks, our R&B background vocals and the messy messy cashwrap. Work as a team and you guys can achieve anything!
045: Tommy Too Tough, The Mangler, Big Rob and more - It seems like I was just in your store... oh wait, I was. I was disgusted at the lady washing her hands in the soda fountain machine (stay away from that Subway), but was always excited to spend some good time with you boys. Remember... if you trust me it will work out!
050: WOW, NeffMaster, Da Bears, JBrady and more - How I have seen you grow. JBrady - maybe you can take my spot at 100K - you and X have deserved it! FIGHT THE MAN! I am going to miss making the commute to see your lovely (and colorful in Jons case) face! Never take down my Jon display! I will be looking for it! And Da Bears... sometime I will hit you back on all those busted CDS
098: Lil' Dynamite, JDaily, Brahp Brahp and more - what a team. My guess is you will win Manager of the Year (more like MGMT team of the year) as we all know Chase lead a great team! Chase - never stop pretending you are black! You got more steez than I could ever wish to have!
145: Duschanator, GChild, Big Bird and more - Duschanator, Staganator here - what a great team! Dont think I wont flip you off when I see you... Chase. And dont think I will ever "bones" high five with you Kyah.... GCHILD - take care of your lady and Brody first, everything else will work out - they are lucky to have you! Duscha.... we have talked.
236: MJ baby (self proclaimed MILF), March of the Penguins, The Answer, Cody, Stephen and more - you guys might be the rooks - but dont be fooled.... you can dominate! Get out there, have some fun and sell as much as you can to as many people as you can!
To all my peeps - thank you! I love you!
Wish me well...
-you stay classy
Nick Stagge
Posted by Nick and Terryn at 3:24 PM 1 comments
Monday, January 4, 2010
People are strange...
Last week I made a store visit to Idaho Falls to work with Andrew Nelson and the crew at 045. We decided to hit up Subway on our lunch break - btw, there is NO food court in the Idaho Falls mall, so you have your choice of Subway, Pretzel Maker or Subway...
As we were eating our delicious sandwiches - I got the chicken cordon blu and of course, Andy got the ultra veggie - anyways, as we were eating our sandwiches I noticed a fellow Subway patron washing their hands in the soda fountain machine. Thats right... WASHING THEIR HANDS.
So gross, so glad I got my drink before hand - no pun intended.
Working in the mall is always a treat.
Drink up!
Posted by Nick and Terryn at 4:52 PM 0 comments
Take a look at the past 100K's before you get ready for the FUTURE!!!!!!
Posted by Nick and Terryn at 4:44 PM 0 comments
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Monday, December 14, 2009
WARNING - Do not eat 30 minutes before watching this.
This thing is like a train wreck - y0u cant help it, you just have to keep watching.
Words you may find yourself referencing here:
"cottage cheese"
"stink, stank, stunk"
Posted by Nick and Terryn at 9:35 PM 2 comments
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Saturday, December 12, 2009
ZUMIEZ Gift of the Weekend

Posted by Nick and Terryn at 9:10 AM 0 comments
Monday, December 7, 2009
Since it just started dumping in SLC, I thought we could take a look back at some Old Skool shredders!
Posted by Nick and Terryn at 10:17 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Thank you!
Thank you!
All year we have prepared ourselves, our teams and our stores for Black Friday and the upcoming Holiday season. Now that Black Friday has come and gone I want to take a moment to thank each and every one of you.
Zumiez was founded on the idea of "working hard & giving back" - and that is exactly what this district has done. Whether that meant working an open to close, late night floor moves, helping out at other stores, traveling for meetings, developing meetings, providing great customer service on the sales floor and so much more.... this district pulled together like never before and took aggressive actions with a great attitude.
I am so proud of every one of you - I feel extremely lucky to be able to work with so many great (and unique) individuals. Thank you again for all of your hard work, I look forward to seeing what we can accomplish this Holiday.
Happy Holidays & Best Wishes!
Posted by Nick and Terryn at 9:15 AM 0 comments
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Punk'd but certainly not a punk! We love Marie!!

Posted by Nick and Terryn at 7:15 PM 0 comments
Thursday, November 5, 2009
The BFC is Finger Lickin' Good!!

Posted by Nick and Terryn at 2:11 PM 1 comments
Monday, November 2, 2009
Checkity-Check it out...
You gotta peep this website for any snow you wanna know. It'll snowblow yo momma away!
Thanks to Zumiez own for creating this gnar site - Nate, Jen and Chase!
Posted by Nick and Terryn at 5:16 PM 0 comments
You dont have to be a Yankee's fan to appreciate this!
Johnny Damon makes history!!!
Posted by Nick and Terryn at 10:32 AM 0 comments
Sunday, November 1, 2009
035 Pre-Season Team Bonding
Posted by Matthew Dickhead Gale at 7:50 PM 2 comments
Thursday, October 29, 2009
This is a great opportunity to compete for the number one team. While striving to break district records you will learn ways to manage your team, drive your teams to SMAC, and shortcuts to help you maximize your productivity with selling and product!
WHO: All NEW 1st assistant managers and ALL 2nd assistant managers!
WHAT: First annual Sixty Six Sicks Holiday best practice meeting
WHEN: Sunday November 7th
WHERE: University Mall in Orem, UT
WHY: To have the most successful Holiday season, while selling as much as we can to as many people as we can
HOW: 1) All store managers need to contact Kristin Buckley via email by Monday November 2nd with the list of candidates from their store and why these managers should attend this meeting.
2) Once we get the list from the store managers on Monday, Jen and Kristin will come up with a final class list and send out invitations so you know what country you are playing for in the X-treme world breaking records challenge! and give you more of a low down on the theme of the class and costumes.
3) All attendees must write out 5 “best practices” for each zone of the store. (front zone, club promoter, middle zone, cashier, snow tech, skate tech, back zone, shoe runner, and opening and closing) Homework will be due by November 6th (if emailed from store, must be emailed our on 11/05)
The theme is Extreme-Breaking world records wherever we go. At the meeting you will be competing with teams from across the entire district (world). We will be awarding points for records broken and great ideas to compete for the world record holding team of the 666.
We all depend on our 2nd assistants to MANAGE our store during peak season. It is them who open early and close late, it is them who complete email projects and set the store up for success at night.
This meeting is going to be held in just over a week, it is up to all store managers and assistants who would like the opportunity to attend to get back all needed information in a timely manner. Let the X-treme challenge begin!!!
Posted by Nick and Terryn at 6:28 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Posted by mAtTiE j at 9:46 PM 2 comments
Monday, October 26, 2009
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Friday, October 23, 2009
Shout out!
My first week back from vacation has been one to remember. I thought I would give shout outs to a few of the most impressive moments this week:
# 10 - Lil' Dynamite hired a new 2nd Assistant Manager - FINALLY!!
# 9 - 044 made Friday's LY before 4:00 pm!!! BOO YAH!
# 8 - The Wow! hired a new 1st Assistant Manager named Preston!! Cha Ching!
# 7 - 145 received a great secret shopper evaluation!
# 6 - Jacob Taylor is joining the 666 team as a 1st Assistant Manager at 030!
# 5 - Alex from 035 hustling to every customer during his first shift!
# 4 - Kaya ending with $75 DPT and 3.00 UPT on her first shift!
# 3 - Receiving emails from infected Zumiez peeps for this years snow virus!
# 2 - 666 ran up 3.72% on Wednesday!
# 1 - Seeing all the great customer service and interaction across the district...
Lets see what next week brings us!
-you stay classy
Posted by Nick and Terryn at 9:11 PM 1 comments
The world is amazing and everyone is pissed
Saw this on the tube the other day. Had to put it on the blog solely because of the last line!
This will turn out to be a classic...
Posted by Nick and Terryn at 9:08 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 22, 2009
The artist formerly known as Chasey "F" Baby

Today the artist formerly known as Chasey "F" Baby and I held a phone interview with a candidate applying for a second assistant position. This candidate told me that she had quite a bit in common with Chasey "F" Baby. I laughed and asked her if that meant she was going to challenge me to a rap battle. She agreed. Although we actually never got the rap battle we did have some fun. I told her that Chasey "F" Baby tries to rap like Lil' Wayne. She told me he was more like Napoleon Dynamite with some rap skills. At that point the artist formerly known as Chasey "F" Baby took upon his new identity....
Lil' Dynamite.
I know he's gonna blow it up!
Good luck out there Lil' Dynamite!!!
Posted by Nick and Terryn at 8:53 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
The Snow Virus is 1 week away - are you infected?
If you aren't infected there is still time - but you better get crackin' we will be naming all attendee's on Friday the 23rd! Get yourself infected, and while you are at it go ahead and infect someone else! You know what they say..... SHARING IS CARING!
See you soon...
-you stay classy
Posted by Nick and Terryn at 2:03 PM 2 comments